on a foggy night, an abandoned road
in a twilight mirror mirage
with no indication of a service station
or an all night garage, I was misinformed
I was misdirected cause the interchange
never intersected leaving me marooned
beneath a bloodshot moon
all upon a foggy night, on a foggy night
an abandoned road, in a blurred brocade
collage, is that a road motel?
I can’t really tell, is that what you
might call some kind of a vacancy lodge
cause there’s no consolation, what
kind of situation to be aimlessly skewed
amidst a powder blue?
no tell tail light clue
spun like the spell you spin
this precarious pandemonium
I’m stranded, all upon a foggy night
all upon a foggy night
on a foggy night
I walked down to the park last night Warm breeze stirring up a soft moonlight…
Halaylım Leylamı Kırma taşın kenarı Ah lele kurbanım Dibinde yedik narı Halaylım Leylamı Küstürdük yola…
Just got done workin' On my way home and sittin' on the 405 Friday night…
İnanılır gibi değil Meğer özlemişim seni Zor geldi sensizlik bana Bunca çılgın anılardan sonra Unutulur…
Fell like a crippled crow, spinning through and breaking branches I'm in a bad way.…
I've got too much going on and I don't know what to do. The pace…