Love is an angel
Holding you tight
Love is an angel
Standing by your side
Are you my angel, are you my guide?
Where is the answer, where is the light?
Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?
Are you a stranger? Heaven decides
All this time I’m waitin’
I was anticipating, for a love like you
A love that is always true
But you got me dreamin’
I find it hard believing
In a love like you
A love that is always true
Love is an angel
Holding you tight
Love is an angel
Standing by your side
Are you my angel, are you my guide?
Where is the answer, where is the light?
Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?
Are you a stranger? Heaven decides
All the tears I’ve been crying
I was slowly dying
For a love like you
A love that is always true
But you got me dreamin’
I find it hard believing
In a love like you
A love that is always true
Are you my angel, are you my guide?
Where is the answer, where is the light?
Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?
Are you a stranger?
Love is an angel
Holding you tight
Love is an angel
Standing by your side
Are you my angel, are you my guide?
Where is the answer, where is the light?
Are you my vengeance? Are you my pride?
Are you a stranger? Heaven decides
Love is an angel
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