With pen in hand you signed your name today at five I’ll be on that train
And you’ll be free and I will be alone so alone
If you think we can’t find the love we once knew
If you think I can make everything up to you
Then I’ll be gone and you’ll be on your own you’ll be on your own
Can you take good care of Johnny can you take him to school everyday
Can you teach him how to catch a fish and keep all those bullys away hear what I say
Can you teach him how to whistle a tune
Can you tell him about the Man in the Moon
If you can do these things then maybe he won’t miss me maybe he won’t miss me
And tonight as you lay in that big lonely bed
Can you look at the pillow where I laid my head
And with your heart on fire will you have no desire to kiss me and to hold me
And if you can forget the good times we had
If you think that the good times won’t outweigh the bad
Then sign your name and I’ll be on my way I’ll be on my way
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