Categories: Şarkı Sözleri

Julianne Hough – Help Me, Help You

Well, she started with a margarita

Then she went to straight tequila

And before the night was over, oh

Her little secret was between us

But she laughed, I cried

And she said, “I’ll be fine.”

Now she’s barely walking and I’m thinking

Wonder how long she’s been drinking, like this

She looks me in the eye and says, “I swear I’m quitting.”

I almost believed it

Then she cried but she lies

‘Cause that’s what she said last Saturday night


How am I suppose to help

Somebody when they tell you

That they don’t need help

How am I suppose to reach a soul

That doesn’t know they need to save themselves

My friend, I’ve done all I can do

You’ve got to

Help me, help you

Oh, I get home from work

I turn the TV on

The telephone’s a ringing

Her little girl is crying

Says, “I can’t wake mama up from sleeping.”

Well, I burned that road

Opened up the door, she says,

“Leave me alone.”

[Repeat Chorus]

It’s been 4 years and now I stand

In the back of the room

She said, “I started with a margarita

Then I went to straight tequila.”

12 steps, 4 years, and 27 days

And now I stand before you

Help me, help you


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