These are different lives
Being lived at the same time
Like holding on to a whole
The world’s edge is closer
I’m gonna leap right off her
And that will be the end of me
Intersecting lines
Falling way behind
I’m walking on a rope
Drifting from her
I’ve never been further
All I know is right
Dreams drift right past me
Some people run Some people crawl Some people don't even move at all Some roads…
Who can take the sunlight, sprinkle it with dew Cover it with chocolate and a…
Some days I need to change my world One desire fills this empty void Tonight…
Biliyorum bu kadarmış ömrüm Sağım solum önüm ardım bu kadar Ne bir adresim kalacak Nede…
Sen ağlama ben olurum üzülen Sevgi dolu bakışından ezilen Gözlerinden yağmur gibi süzülen Tek bir…
Now I know, this is the end, the monster is here, with us. Yes I…