Little voice In the back of my head
keeps telling me that I’m not good enough
not strong enough
little girl somewhere in my mind
under the covers cause she too scared of everything
to try anything
she talks all that trash telling me I should just give up
I look in the mirror put on my mascara
and tell her to just shutup
cause life
My girlfriend hates you but I love your stuff. I listen to it all the…
Simmons/Okerman/Thompson Well your love is supernatural Got a hold on me like I'm hypnotized You…
zorlama şartları zorlama sevdiğim bak elimden geleni yaptım senin için hayal etmek güzel fakat gerçekler…
Dağ başını duman almış Gümüşdere hiç akmıyor Yolu tutmuş eşkiyalar Bırakmıyor bırakmıyor Bu gökdeniz nerede…
(K. Green) Breath down my neck but don't take a bite My blood's not sweet…
It looks like love It feels like love And I confess it's got me rocking…