Little voice In the back of my head
keeps telling me that I’m not good enough
not strong enough
little girl somewhere in my mind
under the covers cause she too scared of everything
to try anything
she talks all that trash telling me I should just give up
I look in the mirror put on my mascara
and tell her to just shutup
cause life
Now fly with the wind The spirits running free The mountains have turned to dust…
Biralar soğuk mu dedim Dedi ki normal Peki ya havalar? Valla gayet normal İşler dedim…
Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
Another song to pass the time. I've reached the end of my rope. And I'm…
Maybe not one Maybe you too Wondering Wondering who Wonderful you Wondering Child, the child,…
(lyrics and music by James Seals, 1969) From the albums SEALS AND CROFTS (1969) and…