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gte yo back off the wall everybody just dance come on, get yo back off…
Önce görüp beğenmiş Sonrada aşık olmuş Bana haber göndermiş Resmini verecekmiş Ne güzel tanışmıştık Çok…
[Chorus] hey-steadfast-sails up hey-like a ship rolling out hey-to see the world and change it…
Jean-Michel Basquiat, Francois Truffaut, Robert Zimmerman and de Niro Paris, Texas - end of the…
(Pickering/Heard/Small) Ain't love, ain't love, ain't love a surprice. [x4] Oh yeah. [x4] Another dollar,…
Your name Tricky and Ambersunshower: If you like-a-me, like I like-a-you And we like-a-both the…