Hasn`t it only been a day
Since you begin to pack your things
Has it only been a week
Since you told me you are to leave
And has it only been a month
Since I asked you what was wrong
Has it only been a year
Since I told you first my dear
So little time to say I love you
So little time to say Good-bye
And I hope that you will be faithful
Or at least I hope you`ll try
`Cause I don`t know how long I can be along
The song goes on and on when you`re not home
It`s been the longest year
Since you left me here
This month goes on and on
Since you told me you were wrong
And these weeks`ve been so slow
Since you said that you`d come home
Now I only have a day to wait
To kiss when you step off the plain
No I don`t mind if time goes fast or slow
Or take off the clocks of the walls when we get home
We have searched troughout eternity To find the hidden truth But it still remains a…
Yine dün gece Sabaha kadar düşündüm seni İçimde bir umut Sanki her an gelecekmişsin gibi…
Loose nut in my head Loose nut rattling my skull Crying for a human touch…
Kıskanmak yok yok yok Kıskanmak yok Son günlerde bir garip oldum aa Senden sonra kendimi…
Gece biterken yıldızlar giderken Kelimeler biterken Söylenmedik sözler bile Tüm anlamlar biterken sen başlarsın Sigaramda…
The same position the last of the daydreams, carry on I'm caught up for sometime…