Umutlarim dunde kaldi donsene
Yar yuregim sende kaldi gelsene
Canimdan cok sevmisem yar bilsene
Geleceksen ay balan yeter naz etme
Gonlume kozun dustu
Yurege ozun dustu, dayanamirem
Omrume hazan oldun
Sarardi rengim soldu, dayanamirem
Yesillenmis guvermissen dallarda
Geymissen suslenmissen allarda
Gozum kalmis ey zalim yar yollarda
Geleceksen ay balam yeter naz etme
Gonlume kozun dustu
Yurege ozun dustu, dayanamirem
Omrume hazan oldun
Sarardi rengim soldu, dayanamirem
Smiles, all smiles Like the sweet light of the sunrise I'm in love with something…
Let me tell ya Bout the night I wanna have Gonna show ya How you're…
[Swano - Swano/Elkhart] My heart is in pain Surrounded by emptiness How could I do…
Eledim eledim hölük eledim Aynalı beşikte yavrum bebek beledim Büyüttüm besledim asker eyledim Gitti de…
Baby here I am and I'm a man upon the scene I can give you…
Daddy Daddy, it was just like you said Now that the living outnumber the dead.…