Theres no way i could ever leave her
I’m addicted to her love can’t break the tie
A victim of my own need and to far to ever be free
Everything she does I somehow justify
I’m aprils fool
I play by her rules
She treats me any old way she wants to
Just as sure as clouds bring showers
And springtime brings May flowers
And a mountain breeze blows cool
I’m aprils fool
Many times i’ve tried to live without her
Like a frightened runaway child, I always return
To the games she loves to play
Where she always gets her way
Although it hurts I never seem to learn
Repeat Chorus
Just as sure as clouds bring showers
And springtime brings May flowers
And a mountain breeze blows cool
I’m aprils fool
Aprils fool
In the mist of the night you faded away. Like a star you fell from…
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bad boy thats your name but tell me whats your game you caught me in…