My father left me an acre of land
Ivy, sing ivy
Between salt water and salt sea sand
And a bunch of green holly and ivy
I plowed it all under with an old rams horn
I sowed it all over with nettles and corn
I scythed it well with the brim of my hat
I carted it to mill with a team of great rats
I stored it well in the wee pigs sty
With all these riches, what’ll I buy?
Kelimelerden alacaklı bir sağır gibi İçimi döktüm bugün, yokluğunla konuştum Tutsak gibi, enkaz gibi, kendim…
People stretched out over kilometres of vinyl with lives to match. In fear, in love.…
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(Lanegan/Johnson) I see they're comin' Just tell me it ain't true How lonely sorrow, and…
Colder now then ever The rebel walks without you here Take my share of bleeding…