A simple word or two
I need a little clarity
If you make it clear
Doubt will surely disappear
If I could see your hand
I bet you’d win
So make me understand
Before I fall in love with you again
Take me carefully
I believe in you
The words you say
Break me wilfully
Are you deceiving me?
The words you say
I am fragile now
Beat about the head
Was I gullible?
Absolutely so
The only way I know
You’re getting me down
You never call
I stop to wonder what
I did or didn’t do enough
Until you say the word
I’ll stay right here
I wanna be with you
But if you want me gone
I’ll disappear
Days of rain
Watch the river of tears roll by
Wash away
The pain of several years go by
Days of rain
Days of rain and I wonder why
Wash away
Wash away as a flood gone by
I only wanted things that will make you happy
I only wish for you that you find your way
I only hope you see that you made things happen
I only wish that you could be right someday
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