Who’s that kid in the back of the room
Who’s that kid in the back of the room
He’s setting all his papers on fire
He’s setting all his papers on fire
Where did he get that crazy smile
Where did he get that crazy smile
We all think he’s really weird
We all think he’s really weird
We never talk to him
He never looks quite right
He laughs at us
We just beat him up
What he sees escapes our sight
We never see him with the girls
We never see him with the girls
He’s talking to himself again
He’s talking to himself again
Why doesn’t he want tons of friends
Why doesn’t he want tons of friends
Says he’s bored when we hang around
Says he’s bored when we hang around
We’re all planning our careers
We’re all planning our careers
We’re all planning our careers
He says we’re growing old
Yar ben seni koynuma almadımda suçmu ettim Sana kıyamadım gülüm sen kendini kirlettin Elini tutmaya…
Ben bir sazdım türkülerden kaçamazdım Ve seni böyle yazdım mızrapla tel arasına Ben bir sözdüm…
You tried to control everything You tried to live through me You tied my hands…
Like a flag at half mast as frames click fast Not a thing will last…
Bir kız gördüm karalı Sordum aslı nereli Sordum aslı nereli le fado O günden lo…
Benim gönlüm kuşa benzer Yanıp güya taşa benzer !!2!! Yar aklıma her gelende İçmeden sarhoşa…