How many times will they do it there taking what’s mine and they tell me that I blew it. What can you do? Who me?, Yes you. When bitches get scandeless and full of voodoo. Catching my breath is the term I use when the world gives up on me. Can you love or not? The truth finds all of us eventually…
I don’t mind taking lives I find. They don’t shine in my pocket at night. You wonder why your always alone. You never fit in you never could find a home, and I don’t need to second guess why, your eaten by the anger and it makes it so hard to…
Chorus: Love to love to love ya (Love ya, Love ya) …ooh ooh ooh x2 Yeah
Bridge: And please don’t tell me no, and please don’t let me go x2
(Who me? Yes)
I'm sittin' on a time-bomb The world is like a time-bomb And it's about to…
bir ucunda yar oturur, ayakları suda bir ucunda kelebekler bu sandalın zaman zaman huzunlerim duşer…
günler geceye dönüverse biz şişeye doluversek dostlar şişeden içiverse birden sarhoş oluversek sözler notaya değiverse…
The wise man and the vagabond Walking on a mission Searching for an answer Looking…
Dökülen her yaprak bir ömür gibi, Gidipte dönmeyen güne benziyor, Sen gittin gideli kaç mevsim…
looking in the mirror what do you see from another era a face baby a…