In a crowded room I wanna hold your hand
Wanna kiss your lips like a desperate man
When I hear your voice callin my name
Lord it's so hot and I ain't got a lot Don't need much but I…
I lost my heart Under the bridge To that little girl So much to me…
İndim havuz başına Bir kız çıktı karşıma Sevda nedir bilmezdim O da geldi başıma Gelemem…
there is a chance, that I Won't repeat the lessons that i've learnt instead i'll…
Çanakkale içinde vurdular beni Ölmeden mezara koydular beni Of gençliğim eyvah Çanakkale köprüsü dardır geçilmez…
You think your days are uneventful And no one ever thinks about you She goes…