Into You
(CDJ/Mary Danna/Shaye Smith)
If he doesn’t call when he says he’ll call
Or if he doesn’t even call at all
Well he just might not be that into you
If he’s too busy to see you on the weekends
And he doesn’t introduce you to his friends
Well he just might not be that into you
Cause if he was
He’d be hangin’ on your every word
He’d put away his little black book and put you first
He’d be doing double back flips to make it work
Sad, drunk, and poorly Sleeping really late Sad, drunk, and poorly Not feeling so great…
I must thank Lord In my hour of need I?ve given way to a better…
We gonna do something different yall on this song because/Me and my mama was watching…
Menekşe gözler hülyalı, Bakışları çok manâlı. Gönül yakıcı o gözler Meğer ezelden sevdalı. Gel etme…
Your cheatin' heart will make you weep you'll cry and cry you'll try to sleep…
Ne çıkar bahtımızda ayrılık varsa yarın; Sanma ki hikayesi şu titreyen dalların, Düşen yaprakla biter;…