Fear him the wicked soul, the son of torment unleashed
– Am I the chosen one, obnoxious son, damnation?
See him the dark triumphant, invalid to the world
– Am I the supreme one, awaited son, incarnation?
My mind crawls deeper, eating from inside
No more peace, only hunger for blood
Hear him, screaming for death, as he pleasures his hunger
– See the burning sky, darkened sun, salvation
Watch him enslave the worlds, paralysed before his eyes
– See the dying world, celestial worm, decapitation
– As blood drains from my hands, my lust for flesh eternal
worm-eaten bodies stains my mind, my desire for death infernal
As he walks towards the end of his evil mission
The storm sweeps by possess his mind, waiting for redemption
Fire burning through his soul, yet he’s not been heard
– What is this, what am I, is this my reward?
You must be happy with yourself Think you're so much better than me Why do…
By the ocean I sat down one day Saw my life the other way All…
Şimdi gir Anlat ey günahkar kağıda sırrı damlat bugün konuşma sus bugün içinde patlat o…
beni bırakıp gittiğin o günü hatırlatayım istersen buz gibi soğuk bi kış günüydü sen çekip…
(Gary Klein / Arthur Kornfield) (Guess who?) Where's the girl who hurt herself last night?…
Tamba tumba esmer bomba Sokaklarda tek başına dolaşıp beni ona sorma...ha ha ona sorma ha…