First the tide rushes in
Plants a kiss on the shore
Then rolls out to sea And the sea is very still once more
So I rush to your side
Like the on coming tide
With one burning thought Will your arms open wide
At last we’re face to face And as we kiss through an embrace
I can tell, I can feel You are love, your are real
Really mine in the rain In the dark, in the sun
Like the tide at its ebb I’m at peace in the web of your arms
The bluest summer skies cloudless in your eyes A little out of focus here And…
Does the darkness fill you up Bright flashes, your cheeks flushed Don't say it don't…
Mayadağ'dan kalkan kazlar Al topuklu beyaz kızlar Yarimin yüreği sızlar Eğlenemem aldanamam Ben bu yerlerde…
[ with Buck Owens ] We've agreed not to mention any memories or share a…
Ich war hier in unserer Gegend alles andere als beliebt, besonders ha
Decades pass in just one year And your illusions disappear And you fear the speeding…