When I look into your eyes
I see gods light trying to find me
And the troubles of the world
Cease to be as I find myself inside of me
And when the mind is still
We know that everything was meant to be
Sweet like Sugar Ray
Like a nuclear soul that quickly rises
Then measures itself by how deep it falls
Seeking only the allegiance of a breeze
And landing on the black stripes of a zebra
And when the mind is still
We know that everything was meant to be
Sweet like Sugar Ray
My darling tender
To your insecurities
Do not surrender
I know that you are 10 pounds overweight
And yet though I do notice I soon forget
I covet you when your thighs are thin
And I lust for you when your ass is fat
And though your worries stem with regard to fashion
They can never subdue the weight of my passion
`Cause everything was meant to be sweet like Sugar Ray
My ummah, my ummah He will say Rasulullah on that day Even though we've strayed…
bildiklerime şahidim ve yazdıklarıma kefilim ben hepsi gibide susmuyorum çünkü kuvvet benim kalbim şehrim iyice…
(Curtis Wright/Jim Collins) Another fourteen hour day, crisis solved deadline made I came home like…
Angels announce with trumpets Crown you with jewels and stars Hercules lives Next door to…
after it all when its said and done will you come back to me and…
Yanlıştın baştan sona yanlıştın Aşıktım kör kütük aşıktım Sınandım en ağır imtihandın Benden gittin gözüm…