I punctured my lungs
don´t want to breathe
that poisoned air
I crippled myself
don´t want to take
another step
on this poisoned ground
I burned I burned…. once again
just to feel that I was alive
The flesh and the cage
are still the same
equal nothing
Cut the dotted line
do what You´ve been told
always and ever, obey
take the easiest route
never dare to thread
[another path]
always and ever
living in restriction
Still not satisfied
with it all
destined to tremble and fall
mankind loosin grip
only because the restrictions
Solmadan kapat bu defteri sayfalarini yak tek tek dagit Etrafimdaki herkes gitmis icinde kalan bir…
(Voice on telephone): If you'd like to make a call, Please hang up and try…
And I remember everything, The best as well as the rest. You've never promised me…
Lying in my bed, afraid to fall asleep The time passes by so fast as…
Kapkaranlık bir eylül Ansızın çıktı geldi Ne dağlarda gonca gül Ne dalda yaprak kaldı Önce…