I hate the unknown world outside
I hate the sadness in my dawn
Everythings lost and gone behind
My empty walls
The time stands lonely and still
I need to feel you to hold you
So far away so far apart
Love turns dark
Take me higher
We’re under the grey
Sad skies lost in love
Here I’m killing myself
When I’m thinking of you
Black thoughts are tubling aroung
So sad so real I wish I just could leave
This place this fear this turmoil inside
Take me higher
We’re under the grey
Sad skies lost in love
Everything I’ve done has been taken us down
Everything I’ve said has been broken apart
Everything I need is so far from here
Everything everything missings my everything here
Take me higher
We’re under the grey
Sad skies lost in love
Take me higher
We’re under the grey
Sad skies lost in black love
Çok ugraştım hem de çok Ne savaşlar verdim bir zamanlar Gittiğinde yaralanmıştım zaten Şimdi anılar…
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