I would like just one glass of water
And I would like to dance with your daughter
I would like if you would let me
Take your girl off to the party
I’d bring her home
Your one and only
Earn your word
And treat her purely
I would like a tree in a garden
That’s big enough for us to climb on
Away from the world and it’s burdens forgive me
Up in the leaves, we can be free and happy
I’m no King Kong
I may be hairy but don’t get me wrong
I already told her, she can lean on my shoulder
For life, for life, for life, for life
For life, for life, for life
I would like just one glass of water
And I would like to dance with your daughter
I would like if you would let me
Take your girl off to the party
I’d bring her home
Your one and only
Earn your word
And treat her purely
I’m no King Kong
I may be hairy but not quite as strong
I already told her, she can lean on my shoulder
For life, for life, for life, for life
For life, for life, for life
Hate, hate building up for hours That's their side, this one's ours Blood and fists…
I believe what you say when you say you're goin' steady with nobody else but…
Hiç kimse sen değil yar Tadıdır acının sonbahar Hiçbir aşk böyle değil yar Bırakmıyor hatıralar…
Drawing back the curtains Sluggish city daylight in the afternoon Here's that special silence Just…
Çaresizim içime akar tüm gözyaşlarım Kıyılara vurmuşum Boşluğa savrulmuşum Kendime el olmuşum Dokunmayın ağlarım.. Ben…
Without the mustard You got no flavor Is that the kind of sandwich You would…