Longing for my desires reaching unknown borders
End of this final cycle
My throne of wisdom… the only one
Travel on this alley of stars… I joined the hall of souls
Shadows of passing dreams at last my wisdom arose
Out of the ashes of time
My throne of wisdom… the only one
Travel on this alley of stars… I joined the hall of souls
Knowledge will be mine
I reached the throne of wisdom
My eternal landscape
Let me burn in hell
The end of infinity the lake of thoughts
Will drown forever
'We gonna run run run to the cities of the future, take what we can…
will you miss me my dear and my wild wiLd hair maybe love is underwater…
We exist to destroy, fuck you all Fuck you all This prophecy unfolding, We have…
I don't think you realize the way things really are Play with fire, burn yourself,…
12 sau paulo rain there's always a party on funeral row, where the cross flashes…
Sevde gör yalnızlığı Sevde gör mutsuzluğu Sevde gör sevde gör Gurbet nedir hasret nedir Çile…