Well That Was Easy
Well that was easy waiting
Everything’s easy now
The days are Oh So Normal
But oh, Hannah
how I miss you
I used to lock myself in your bathroom
Swallowing the codeine kept for your back
Numb, so numb
I’d let your words
Come and come
So come on –
Kill me now
Kill me now
Kill me now
Because I’m leaving you now
That was easy, but how I miss you
I watched you clean the filth off your phone dial
Swallowing the things your finger picked up
Tongue, your tongue
I watched your tongue licking on
So come
Come on tongue
Ah, come on tongue
Kill me now
Kill me now
Kill me now
As I’m leaving you now
That was easy, but how I miss you
You angel you You got me under your wing. The way you walk and the…
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