Awake all you sleepy heads
I come crawling
the last on the road
be the first to be heard
Tell me a joke and I will love you
Pour me a drink and I’m yours
Good luck to anyone
Who ever felt sure
Of a real life romance
There’s no beaten cause surrounding me now
There’s no bleeding heart
And I don’t wanna know you right now
But make time to show me your scars
Which way to happy ?
And which way to hell
For I think I lost direction
When you threw me out of bed
Well are you sure there’s a heaven
For I’d rather be
A bad, bad…
I wish I was in a suitcase on my way back home
To you there’s a light ahead
I keep on talking to myself
God, can you hear me?
There’s no beaten cause surrounding me now
There’s no bleeding heart
And I don’t know you right now…
But let’s walk on water to help heal the love
For all we contained was once just written of
And all of the dances are rituals of which you were
And who’s dancing now
Well it’s too late to learn
Too late too late to learn
Oh it’s too late to learn
No I don’t want to have to be the one that has to lose you
No I don’t want to have to be the one that has to lose you
No I don’t want to have to be the one that has to lose you
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