so the winter comes
where we belong
I feel the cold
within my heart
I see the night
deep in your eyes
the winter comes at last
here the winter comes
so the winter comes
where we grow strong
I hear your words
melt like snow (on my skin)
I taste your kiss
it tastes like snow
the winter comes to last
my tongue is frozen to the ground
I cry alone for times to come
it beats the daylight out of me
the winter comes to seize the day
here the winter comes
You opened the door to heaven the first time I kissed you the first time…
I can't say Where I've been What I've done or what I've seen But no…
Hazreti Şah'ın avazı Turna derler bir kuştadır Asası Nil deryasında Hırkası bir derviştedir Nil deryası…
Tack som fan Tack som fan Tack som fan Tack som fan Tack som fan…
seyyah oldum şu alemi gezerim bir dost bulamadım gün akşam oldu kendi efkarımca okur yazarım…
The cat's on the carpet. The phone doesn't work. I hate when it's quiet. It…