You wore out a brand new trunk
Packin’ and un-packin’ your junk
Your daddy’s mad; He’s done got pee-eeved
You’re Gonna Change or I’m a-gonna leave.
You’re gonna change your way of livin’
Change the things you do
Stop doin’ all the things that you oughten too
Your daddy’s mad; He’s done got pee-eeved
You’re Gonna Change or I’m a-gonna leave.
This ain’t right and that is wrong
You just keep naggin’, all the day long
Its gotta stop, I don’t mean plea-ease
Now, You’re Gonna Change or I’m a-gonna leave.
The way to keep a woman happy
And make her do what’s right
Is love her ev’ry mornin’, bawl her out at night
Your daddy’s mad; He’s done got pee-eeved
Now, You’re Gonna Change or I’m a-gonna leave.
Ev’ry time you get mad
You pack your rags and go back to dad
You tell him lies he don’t belie-ieve
Now, You’re Gonna Change or I’m a-gonna leave.
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