My boy I say you’re unaware of
Things that I am unaware of
The things they say behind one’s back
That you suspect but aren’t quite sure of
Don’t say you haven’t noticed
The smell of money is all about me
I just can’t rid myself
Of it’s overpowering bouquet
My inner beauty cursed with obscurity
By a scent that can’t be washed away
I don’t know who you think I am
But if I’m who I think I am
Then there’s no cranny I’ve examined
Taints the air where ere I am
But don’t say you haven’t noticed
The smell of money wafts all about me
It neutralizes any other odors I convey
Best friends won’t tell me
They know I’m suffering
With a scent that can’t be washed away
The stench of money
Is reeking off of me
A mix of cheap cologne
Weasel pheromone and rotted grave
Thank dad and mommy
I’m filthy, stinking rich
So I can say to you “Piss off”
I bathe, I bathe
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