I feel like I never measure up to who you see
Sometimes I think I can’t give you all the love you need
You keep changing everyday
Amazing me in everyway.
If I could be the perfect man in your eyes
I would give all I’m worth to be a part of your life
I could promise the world but it’s out of my hands
I can only give you everything I have
I never dreamed I could ever feel the way I do
I hope and pray I will always be enough for you
I can only do my best
I have to trust you with the rest
If I could be the perfect man in your eyes
I would give all I’m worth to be a part of your life
I could promise the world but it’s out of my hands
I can only give you everything I have
I promise I will hold you through the changes and fears
When life seems unclear
And when I can’t be right there with you
I know there’s angels by your side
If I could be the perfect man in your eyes
I would give all I’m worth to be a part of your life
I could promise the world but it’s out of my hands
I can only give you everything
If I could be the perfect man in your eyes
I would give all I’m worth to be a part of your life
I could promise the world but it’s out of my hands
I can only give you everything… I have
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