Feel it stabbing in the air
You talk to me of reasons
Why you don’t care
You’re always pushing harder
I can’t get no rest
If I couId just remember
Remember my name
Cause I’m the thorn in your flesh
Yes I’m the thorn in your flesh
Call of the wild keeps you there
Oh well I guess I’m the last of things to do on your list
You keep on counting higher
And if you get any lower
I guess you’ll blast away what’s left of my brain
Cause I’m the thorn in your flesh
Yes I’m the thorn in your flesh
I never had me no place to roam
I never had a thing of my own
Now you fill me up with your fire
Let me feel desire
Cause I’m the thorn in your flesh
Yes I’m the thorn in your flesh
Hate, hate building up for hours That's their side, this one's ours Blood and fists…
I believe what you say when you say you're goin' steady with nobody else but…
Hiç kimse sen değil yar Tadıdır acının sonbahar Hiçbir aşk böyle değil yar Bırakmıyor hatıralar…
Drawing back the curtains Sluggish city daylight in the afternoon Here's that special silence Just…
Çaresizim içime akar tüm gözyaşlarım Kıyılara vurmuşum Boşluğa savrulmuşum Kendime el olmuşum Dokunmayın ağlarım.. Ben…
Without the mustard You got no flavor Is that the kind of sandwich You would…