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Bu göç benim kaderim
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Nerede uyur o ateş
Yanacakmışım yanarım
Dar gelir bedenim ruhuma,
Aranır durur ne yapsam da
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I don't want to wonder If this is a blunder I don't want to worry…
Funny sometimes how you let The little things Get in your way Funny how you…
When we met we still had innocence And we did things 'cause they made sense…
If I could just hold you now If I could just feel you now I…
Aşkımız yetmedi ayrılık gücüne Kıyamet gününe gelmişiz sanki Bizi sarhoş eden ümitler varya Bir kırık…
Deep in the dead of the night, silhouettoes on my window, why? I guess I…