Written by Jedd Hughes, Terry McBride and Jennifer Kimball
She’s your beauty, she’s your queen
I know she’s your everything
Think her love is so secure
Think again, don’t be too sure
Careful of that so-called friend
He’s been known to shed his skin
Hear that rattle, fear that hiss
Beware of the Judas kiss
Watch your step, cover your back
Can’t trust a snake in the grass
She’s the apple of your eye
Even Eve took that first bite
Spellbound by that silver tongue
That’s how hearts are lost and won
When he finds the time is right
An opportunity to strike
Repeat chorus
Can’t trust a snake in the grass
Behind that friendly face
There lies a lying snake
Hear that rattle, fear that hiss
Beware of the Judas kiss
Watch your step, cover your back
Repeat chorus
Can’t trust a snake in the grass
Can’t trust a snake in the grass
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