among deep green hills
two eyes get lost in forests
crystal flower images slip
among the trunks of the trees
visions appear from the ground
shades without roots but still exist
strange animals
an eternal vital chain
monstrous pre-historic
a level of unearthly power
but still…
everything flows
some kind of a magic scar
everything gets harmonized
with the move of light
quick move of image
impossible to stay untouched
material follows the equilibrium
quickly release the earthly flesh
I walked down to the park last night Warm breeze stirring up a soft moonlight…
Halaylım Leylamı Kırma taşın kenarı Ah lele kurbanım Dibinde yedik narı Halaylım Leylamı Küstürdük yola…
Just got done workin' On my way home and sittin' on the 405 Friday night…
İnanılır gibi değil Meğer özlemişim seni Zor geldi sensizlik bana Bunca çılgın anılardan sonra Unutulur…
Fell like a crippled crow, spinning through and breaking branches I'm in a bad way.…
I've got too much going on and I don't know what to do. The pace…