Say, don’t be among the late ones,
Change your dancing ways,
Keep up with the up-to-date ones,
And learn that brand-new craze,
Listen, pal, you gotta swing and grab your gal,
And do that thing,
Learn that jig-time dance
They call hotcha razz-ma-tazz.
No excuse for dignity,
Just get loose and follow me.
Swing your partners one and all,
To hotcha razz-ma-tazz.
I’m here to betcha it’s gonna getcha,
It soon will hit your list,
Oh, what a rhythm,
It’s got a rhythm that your feet cannot resist.
It sends you young and old all for it.
And they call for more-it,
On the floor they call for more,
For hotcha razz-ma-tazz.
Take the sun from my heart Let me learn to despise I'll show you another…
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Waiting in the darkness Waiting for your soul Time to pay the price The price…