Money in my pocket
Setting fire to a second rate dream
Cashing a cheque in
You’ve gotta change the dead red like a mean green
A crimeless time
And I climb and you say Everybody get in line
Pay the toll box
Tell me what it costs, now
The worlds gone crazy
But i’ve got my friends
Nothing’s gonna see me now
This is where the heartbreak ends and begins
What’s that smell?
Skinny never put it so well
Eye and tail
Betty blue eyes on me the just and cause and swell
The long arm of the law is on my back
Giving me a heart attack
Cashing a cheque in
The worlds gone crazy
But i’ve got my friends
Nothing’s gonna see me now
This is where the heartbreak ends and begins
The worlds gone crazy
But i’ve got my friends
Nothing’s gonna see me now
This is where the heartbreak ends and begins
Money in my pocket
You’re setting fire to a second rate dream
Cashing a cheque in
You’ve gotta change the dead red like a mean green
You know my lips are alive and can’t lose your heart so open up your damn mind
The worlds gone crazy
But i’ve got my friends
Nothing’s gonna see me now
This is where the heartbreak ends and begins
The worlds gone crazy
But i’ve got my friends
Nothing’s gonna see me now
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[Mad Skillz] Uhh.. nine-five shizzot, in the hizzouse Uh what nigga? Tch, uhh, uhh, uhh..…
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Perchance to dream Dive into the wall of sound, yeah Crashing all over me Turning…
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