Something’s funny ’bout your touch lately
It’s like you’ve been touching someone else
And the sound of your voice,
Well something’s stopping you from being yourself
We’ve always been honest –
And painfully so –
So tell me though I don’t want to hear
I have to ask you
Where have you been?
‘Cause I think I know the answer
And it’s not what I wanted to hear
Dear, where have you been?
I’ve been waiting up for you
I don’t want to accuse but
Your eyes and mouth they tell a different story
I don’t want to hear it but –
The truth –
Where have you been?
(Well) I know it’s easy to lose faith
We look simply for a change of pace
And I know my moods, they go up and down
But when you’re climbing walls, don’t I stick around?
You caught me
On some little white lies
It’s you who taught me
About silent goodbyes
I have to ask you
Where have you been?
‘Cause I think I know the answer
And it’s isn’t what I wanted to hear
Dear, where have you been?
I’ve been waiting up for you
I don’t want to accuse but
Your eyes and mouth they tell a different story
I don’t want to hear it-
But the truth-
Where have you been?
A silent cry fills the room
I hear it no sooner than the words ring true
I knew it all along
Please erase this song
End this harsh reality
What did you do to me? oh…..
I have to ask you
Where have you been?
‘Cause I think I know the answer
And it isn’t what I wanted to hear
I’ve been waiting up for you
I have to ask you
Where have you been?
I think I know the answer
It’s written all over your face
I don’t want to know – yeah
Your eyes and mouth they tell a different story
I don’t want to hear it –
But the truth –
Where have you been?
I don’t want to hear it – but tell me
Where have you been?
Where have you been?
Where have you been?
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