Well there are mouths around this town that are trying to kill everything
That you want
That you hope
And that you hold so dear
And there are birds around this town and their afraid you will sing everything
About sick love
About mistrust
And about horrible experiments they tried on him
Well here is the pieces
The ones you shook from me
The that you forgot to keep
And here is to the beating of the hearts that you will break
The ones you will take after me and it goes
Blah blah blah and it stops
Well here’s to a common ally that we thought we knew so well oh well
And here’s to a friendship that we thought would never fail well oh well
This city that you built can burn
There is light on the other side of this mountain that we see
Am I supposed to wear myself out for a team?
Well is this a team?
Where are you? 28801
And it goes blah blah blah and it stops!
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Caney caney caney Iste meydaney Iyi gunun dostu Nerdesin hani nerdesin hani Bendim buralarin sahi…
Just as long as there's love (long as there's love) In my life I know…
she took the oldsmobile out past condor avenue and she locked the car and slipped…