Help me after the travelling
Come back through
Help me after the travelling
Glad i missed you
Down by the lake
In your heart
I’m making it too
Down by the lake
In your heart
Jumping in with you
Help me after my money’s spent
Come back through
Help me after the traveling
Come down next to you
Lie down next to you
Down by the lake
In your heart
I’m making it too
Down by the lake
In your heart
Jumping in with you
I’ m still in love with you
I won't ever get used to this A blank spot temptations do resist. The other…
Her sokak başındaydınız Her yolun sonunda kimsesiz Evlerin içindeydiniz Kimbilir bir ömür, kimbilir Aşk nedir…
ABCÇDEFGHIİJKLMNOÖPRSŞTUÜVYZ S.o.s. aman hocam S.o.s. canım hocam Yardım et hocam kurban olam S.o.s. hipotenüs S.o.s.…
Bella was bored to death at South Beach, Not one celebrity spotted in days She…
Farkında mısın? Son günlerde ne kadar da aciz kaldık Bize ait cümleler kurmaktan Bırak seni…
Bana gülen o resmin hala koynumda Hayalin aklımda Yüreğim meskendir aşka beni sar Gel bana…