If it walks like shit
Talks like shit
It must be shit
If it feels like shit
Tastes like shit
It must be shit
If it looks like shit
Sounds like shit
It must be shit
If it smells like shit
Tells like shit
It must be shit
See Times Square
A vacuum of feeling
Listen, little man
Advertise this
That it
My grandma and your grandma Sitting by the fire My grandma says to your grandma…
a sacred song we used to sing has fallen out of time. the questions that…
Kimi gün elden gider Kimi gün dilden gider Bir demet ülden gider Ah şu sevda…
I Feel So Helpless In This Haze Better Days Are Laid To Rest Life's A…
Come on in, my weary friend the welcome here is endless. These fears of yours…
Derdim var gecem zehir bana Yardım et seni unutmama Anılar başucumda kov gitsin Sevmiştim seni…