(P. Pentland/Sloan)
She came runnin’
I hate everything that came before me
I’m breakin’ under the crush
Don’t ignore me
‘Cause you know I can always make it louder
Three’s nothin’ out of ten
But you’ve got a thing for me
I can feel it, I can feel it
And I’ve got a thing for you, too
You can have it, you can have it
I’ve been runnin’
Just to get away from what’s inside me
I’m drownin’ under the rush
Happy birthday
To the best brother in the world
At least I’m still cool to one girl
But you’ve got a thing for me
I can feel it, I can feel it
And I’ve got a thing for you, too
You can have it, you can have it
You’ve got a thing for me
I can feel it, I can feel it
And I’ve got a thing for you, too
You can have it
No strings attached
No copy to match
No drift to catch
No plans to hatch
No itch to scratch
Just infatuation
Is all you need
You could tell a million lies
And I’d think they all were true
That’s my trust in you
It’s what I value
And it’s what I refuse to lose
You’ve got a thing for me
And I’ve got a thing for you, too
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