(Olson) Gunflint Music BMI
There are so many times I swear
I hear them fighting down the stairs
In Sioux City
Please don’t let her find
This dark and dingy room
Sioux City, here tonight
I know the hotel clerk, he lied.
I followed her from the west side
In Sioux City
Please don’t bring to life
This dark and dingy room
Sioux City, here tonight
I know the hotel clerk he lied.
I followed her from the west side
In Sioux City
Please don’t let her find
This dark and dingy room
Sioux City
Please don’t bring to life
This dark and dingy room
Sioux City, here tonight
In the movement of the waves Feel the rushing of the wind You're in everything…
dostuna gücendiğin, kavgalara üşendiğin, kendine razı olduğun gün, o gün dolar, dolar zaman gündüze usandığın,…
my heartstrings cease to strain i've aquired a taste for poisoned lips drank deep of…
feel my body Full of joy and life My spirit is strong But this is…
Gitme turnam gitme nerden gelirsin Sen nazlı canana benzersin turnam Her bakışta beni mecnun edersin…