I’m the Master
of your private wonderland
I’m your greates inspiration
– Always by your side
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
Don’t be afraid of your own will
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
I am your guide, and I am the Law!
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
I’ve got many
names among you
– My own people
From the shadows, my domain;
– I am rising!
Everything is beautiful
Dark and beautiful
It’s not a dream
I’m here
I’m not alone
It’s growing…..STRONGER
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
I can talk with many voices
– You all know me!
I will give you satisfaction
– Feel the pleasure!
I wiil give you all you need
(because) I am the Voice in your head
Listen to me!
I am the Voice in your head
You shall listen to me!
I know I'm not your first love they're just a past memory For I'm the…
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