(Carlene Carter)
To have and hold suburban life
Forever live as man and wife
Welcomed by the neighborhood
The neighbors here are really good
They say “What’s mine is yours
And yours is mine”
Swap-meat the American way
You can have it twice a day
Swap-meat the American way
It’s indoor recreation at its best
Hold me back, it’s just too much
I’ve never seen the like of such
I must admit it beats the bars
No broken hearts or nasty scars
Just carpet burns and wait your turns
Swap-meat the American way
You can have it twice a day
Swap-meat the American way
Ahh it’s strictly code of the road
Detectives breaking down the door
The evidence laid on the floor
Pistol-packin’ romeos, stop illegal loops and holes…
My old man says it’s time to go
But I just wants to do-si-do
I can’t stop this jig and jag
I wanna swing my little honey
To the swamp-meat rag
Community property, it’s all in the family
Swap-meat the American way
You can have it twice a day
Swap-meat the American way
Swap-meat the American way
Swap-meat the American way
[Love in all of its many facettes takes both giving and taking.] Don't want it,…
this is the one we were hoping for she loves while he lies she held…
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Yağmur yağıyor bu gece şehre Yürümek ıslanmak istiyorum ben Işığım sönmüş perdem çekilmiş Göğsünde ağlamak…
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PEEL ME A NANNER Writer Bill Anderson RECORDED BY ROY DRUSKY There I was in…