Unknown ruination that await
Colors are changing, levels are raised
Invading our lives, within our minds
Fears now rise
Sense of affliction begins to increase
Contrive against all but nothing is seen
Stricken with panic, living in fear
Shock and awe
Growing hysteria within the masses
Mock civilians, trained assassins
Armed with weapons of mass destruction
Terror strikes
Hostile forces, deadly intentions
Hidden agendas they have spawned
Fueled by their religious madness
Shock and awe
Destruction so extreme
For all the world to see
Retaliation guaranteed to unfold
Systematic devastation of all
Unknown ruination that await
Colors are changing, levels are raised
Invading our lives, within our minds
Fears now rise
Sense of affliction begins to increase
Contrive against all but nothing is seen
Stricken with panic, living in fear
Shock and awe
Destruction so extreme
For all the world to see
Retaliation guaranteed to unfold
Systematic devastation of all
Growing hysteria within the masses
Mock civilians, trained assassins
Armed with weapons of mass destruction
Terror strikes
Hostile forces, deadly intentions
Hidden agendas they have spawned
Fueled by their religious madness
Shock and awe
Destruction so extreme
For all the world to see
Retaliation guaranteed to unfold
Systematic devastation of all
Es wispert leise aus der Tiefe so als ob mich etwas riefe wie der Wind…
"Isn't this a dull affair enough to make me lose my hair tax returns and…
I want to know how does it feel Behind those eyes of gold You've made…
Dewey Bunnell, ©197? Found on Heard. When the rain comes down in the summer time…
Günün ilk ışığı vurunca dağlara Soluğun alırım rüzgarlardan Açarım kanatlarım buğulu bir mavzerden Dolu dizgin…