The time’s upon us, it’s time to part
I’ll be leaving now, but without my heart
A couple of long years, we spent together,
We got this far, what about forever?
I brought this on myself, I can’t replace her now
She is gone
Gone for good
I can’t see life without her
I see our old pictures, I hear our song
My eyes become dam walls, but they burst before too long
So many things trigger, a thought of you
Have I done the right thing and, split us into two?
I brought this on myself, I can’t replace her now
She is gone
Gone for good
I can’t see life without her
Last night I dreamt of us, deep in the auditorium
Two years previous, man you were beautiful to me
Your hair was long, I cried when I woke up
Three tears stained the tiles below me
I brought this on myself, I can’t replace her now
She is gone
Gone for good
I can’t see life without her
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