long view into the dark
moving your finger
you gonna make it for sure into the dark
master of duel, rendezvoyeur
this is a walk into the dark
playing the ball
roll it on but not too fast
there she goes into the light
close to your eye
breaking the mirror
gone out of sight
flash in the rain
sign of a walk into the dark..
Your evil eyes with your glass shaped prize You smell of smoke with your dirty…
Shame on the rain for making me twice as blue It's raining in my heart…
I stick loneliness, your lips and the two coins of your eyes into my pockets…
Şarkı enstrümantal olduğu için şarkı sözü bulunmamaktadır.
Urfa Diyarbakır gezdim Hele hele yar yar 32 sancak saydım Hele hele yar yar Neslihan…
[Intro] Not! *echoing* Blackwall Street The Game Beach Boy Charli Baltimore (he wears a red…