Hush your mouth now honey mine
Have you been waiting all this time
To so loudly disagree
Kick the feet from under me
Did you come here to shoot me down
Bury my on my own home ground
Hold your tongue now mother mine
For you’ve held it all this time
And now’s no time to shout and swear
That you despise the things I care about
For your territory
Will always be miles and miles from me
Stop my mouth with kisses dear
For ever they will keep me here
And these drunken blasphemies
Must never make us enemies
For we’ll have to meet once more
Sober and as strongly BOUND as before
Kelimelerden alacaklı bir sağır gibi İçimi döktüm bugün, yokluğunla konuştum Tutsak gibi, enkaz gibi, kendim…
People stretched out over kilometres of vinyl with lives to match. In fear, in love.…
Iğdırın al alması ay balam, Yemeye bal alması, Yar gelenden sonra, Yaremin sağalması, ölürem. Ölürem…
Hani ya sensiz severim demiştim Hani ya aşkını ona vermiştin Hani ya her şeyi haktan…
(Lanegan/Johnson) I see they're comin' Just tell me it ain't true How lonely sorrow, and…
Colder now then ever The rebel walks without you here Take my share of bleeding…