The gone staying by me
Feeling disease, crying sun
Soil adorning me, preparing to grow
Fever, disgust, dear sigh
Bewatching the truth, morals to break
Catch soon the breeze, immortals
And if my tears were only joyful
I would better rest in silence
Instead of writing down my claims
To pleasure such a lonely road
A sombre tangle to disclose
The damned poets of dirt
Lake fulfilled with sand, prayers of lies
Wishing disease, unholy blue
Is covering meand our sins
Forever gone, trapped in life
The lights In the harbor Don't shine for me I'm like a lost ship adrift…
Ok All right Oh no This one, this one, this one Heads of state who…
somewhere in my mind i won't forget it's hard to erase the bad times from…
(A.Bell/V.Clarke) i don't suppose it's gonna do any good if i sit down and write…
Everywhere you look, you can write a book, On the trouble with a woman an'…
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