Is it you
Calling my name?
W here are you?
I am blinded by the flames.
All these years we’ve been together
A lifetime of vivid memories
I hoped that it would last forever
It had become a part of me
Until today
I wished that I could say
One of the safest places
With all the familiar faces. I
Would like to stay a while,
If you don’t mind.
I’m cold and need a touch
A friendly smile and such…
Such a thing
Is what i need right now
One of the safest places
With all the familiar faces. I
Would like to stay a while,
If you don’t mind.
I’m cold and need a touch
A friendly smile and such…
Such a thing…is what i need right now
Did it become contageous?
What made you so spontaneous,
Relentless on top of shameless
Do you want me to go on?
I’ve seen this before
It was something i could not restore
So don’t you try walking
Walking through this door.
kanarım kaderimden sıyrılırım firardayım çözülür içimde sevgin ben yanarım bu hazan gecelere ağlarım taşarım ah…
Başka başka hallere girme gerek yok İnsan iki gözün gördüğü kadar Allanıp pullanmış lafların faydası…
Shuffle Your Feet Time won't save our souls Time won't save our souls Time won't…
Kaçıncı vazgeçişin benden Durumu kurtaralım derken Hep aynı yerden vuran sendin Dön demek için daha…
.. ben gidiyorum artık bırak beni istemiyom gelmeni bekliyorum evet senin siktir olup gitmeni özlesende…